Berta Musone Sciarro Tanino Tartarella Pallocchio Fuso Gioia Zeppola Gang Luce Rara Settimanabianca Lunedì Arteteca Zorro Bisonte Berta Musone Sciarro Tanino Tartarella Pallocchio Fuso Gioia Zeppola Gang Luce Rara Settimanabianca Lunedì Arteteca Zorro Bisonte
Berta Musone Sciarro Tanino Tartarella Pallocchio Fuso Gioia Zeppola Gang Luce Rara Settimanabianca Lunedì Arteteca Zorro Bisonte Berta Musone Sciarro Tanino Tartarella Pallocchio Fuso Gioia Zeppola Gang Luce Rara Settimanabianca Lunedì Arteteca Zorro Bisonte
A story according to nature
The farm
In 1907, this was a difficult zone to live in and cultivate. Vannulo has been transformed from a land that was ‘worth nothing’ to a flourishing area rich in know-how.

Everything in the light of day
It is entirely hand made every day from buffalo milk and gives a truly unparalleled taste experience.

With its firm texture and distinctive flavour, the finest mozzarella is made daily and we recommend you order it in advance.

Working the curd with water at 100°c results in the stretching of the mozzarella, a process that determines how ripe it becomes.

The treccia and mozzarella in various sizes, fresh from being made.
To order mozzarella:
+39 0878 727 894
The wonder in tradition
The Museum of Farming Culture
A place dedicated to culture and memory, showcasing objects and customs from the agricultural world, which has always been an important reference point to Tenuta Vannulo.

Campanaccio. Inizi del 1900.

Roncola. Inizi del 1900.

Pentola di rame. Inizi del 1900.
The Leather Shop
Inside the farm, workers process buffalo hide by hand in a workshop to create a wide range of handcrafted products, from classic to designer lines.